George Assuming is the director of research and education at Anti-Fraud Initiative Ghana. He is an exceptional young professional with over a decade career spanning from Payroll Accountancy, Public Revenue Mobilization, Banking and Information Systems Auditing.

George started his career with the Ghana Revenue Authority attached to the unit of “Enforcement and Debt Management”. It is at this phase of his life that he seriously decided to be part of an institution that will fight against corruption even though he had nurtured such thoughts right from his university days when he was elected as a Treasurer of the Students Junior Common Room and later as one of the five member Judicial Committee team to adjudicate and investigate the embezzlement of student funds by elected student leaders of their time.

He later worked in the payroll unit of the University of Ghana’s Finance Directorate for three years and could not be convinced further about the need to take the fight against corruption seriously. This is because, payroll offices in all public or quasi-governmental institutions in Ghana remotely work under the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) of Ghana. At the CAGD, the phenomenon of “GHOST NAMES” is an abhorrent but prevalent element on the Ghanaian public sector payroll systems and George personally experienced the level of depletion this canker caused to the public purse. In the last seven years, George’s career has evolved in the private sector as a banker working in one of Africa’s biggest banks as a general internal auditor and lately as an Information Systems Auditor.

George holds Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (Accounting Option) from the University of Ghana Business School and a Master’s in Financial Management from the Cambridge International College in UK. George is a member of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA),Certified Data Privacy Solutions Emgineer and has attended several trainings and Information Security and Systems Audit conferences locally and in abroad including the 2019 Info Security North American Expo and Conference in New York, USA. He is also an ISO 27001 Lead Auditor and a member of the Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB)



Isaac Obour is the founder and President of Anti-Fraud Initiative Ghana. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner with several years of working experience as an


Komla Saviour Sobia Deikumah is the Vice –President  of Anti-Fraud Initiative Ghana. He is a Chartered Accountant and Intellectual Property Consultant. As the Founder and


George Assuming is the director of research and education at Anti-Fraud Initiative Ghana. He is an exceptional young professional with over a decade career spanning